Calm Tide


Here’s one I started last night and finished up today. I actually did another one but when I got to the trees, I used a green that was TOO green for one of the trees and it was really jarring. I tried putting a gray wash over it to tone it down but it didn’t work so I had to paint it again. Hope you likey. 🙂

To see everything that this can be printed on or to see it larger, click on the picture or go to my gallery.


Playing Around With Rocks – Watercolor


This is my attempt at painting rocks. Not bad but it looks a little cartoony.


Hot Mess Edition-Color Blotches and Round Things


Most people like to put on their best face when they go out in public. Likewise, artists like to showcase their best work. I ain’t like that. I’ve started a new category called “Hot Mess Haven” which has all of my pieces that I have deemed a hot mess. This one definitely fits! Why would I put something like this up you ask? Because I have a good sense of humor even at my own expense. 🙂 Continue reading

Ocean & Mountain Scene


Here’s one I did last night just playing around. I don’t plan on selling this or anything but I didn’t want it to go unseen and so it’s here. I think I need to paint some friendly little rocks and maybe some splashy water. I’ll be experimenting with that tonight. Critiques are welcome.

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Lovely Lolita’s in Blue


Here’s another one I did in watercolor similar to the first one. I think I need to use a different brush – a softer one. A fat, soft, juicy, large brush instead of a medium sized, synthetic brush which isn’t as soft. Still experimenting.

Click on the picture to see what other items this can be printed on.

Visit my gallery to see everything else.